Advertisement / Search & Find

"Search & Find" Registration

We hereby like to give MFN the order to enter our company in the Search & Find section of the magazine MFN for the price of US$ 9.20 / € 6.20 (**) per line, category and issue for the following categories (please mark the requested categories). US$ 45 / € 32 per issue for the optional 1st logo, US$ 22.50 / € 16 per issue for all others. The minimum enrolment duration is 12 months, respectively 6 issues. The enrolment will be extended automatically, however, can be cancelled at any time after the 12 months minimum period.

(**) US$ Price: Only for countries outside of Europe. | € Price : Only within Europe.

Contact Person

* entry required



Media of all Kinds (Peening & Blasting)



Text (entry shall have a maximum of 26 characters per line)

(Company Name)
(e.g. Street / P.O. Box)
(e.g. City / Country - no Abbreviat.)
(e.g. Tel. / Fax)
(e.g. E-mail / Home Page)
(e.g. Brand Name)
(Additional Text)

Calculation Example for one Category and Issue:

(E-mail logo separately in JPG format)
Example Ltd
90000 Example City
Tel: 0000.999999
-totally 3 lines for US$ 9.20 / € 6.20 per line and category
-3 x 9.20 = US$ 27.60 per category
-US$ 45 / € 32 per issue for 1st logo (US$ 22 / € 16 per issue for all others)
-minimum duration of contract is 1 year (6 issues)
-invoicing for 3 issues in advance
-enrolment will be extended automatically