Doug Eberhart, Director of Sales at LSP Technologies has spent over 30 years directing B2B sales efforts around the world. With specialized experience delivering sophisticated instrumentation and software products, Mr. Eberhart has been engaged with the high-tech industrial and manufacturing sectors throughout his distinguished career. He joined LSP Technologies in 2016.
MFN had the opportunity to talk to Clifford Parr, President, Global Product Group Parts Finishing at Norican Group.
SF EXPO was held in Guangzhou for 12 years and then moved to Chongqing in 2014, being held by turn in Guangzhou and Chongqing each year. SF EXPO 2018 will be moved to Chongqing again and go deep into the southwest China market to promote the development of the industry on surface finishing in the southwest and build an efficient, professional, and international exhibition platform. MFN had an interview with SF EXPO organizers, Mr. Zhang Zhi, the General Manager from Wise Exhibition (Guangdong) Co., Ltd, who introduced relevant conditions in the exhibition and discussed the development trend of the industry and exhibition.
Cover Page
Author : Dan Spinner
Science Update
Author : Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann, Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Faltin
Shot Peening in the Automotive Industry
Author : Mario Guagliano
Good Vibrations
Author : Mathieu Geuting
MFN Trainer Column
Author : Marco Klijsen
Off the Beaten Track
Author : Giovanni Gregorat
From Editor's Desk
Author : Mario Guagliano
Author : Darko Hocevar, Aljaz Molek