in Vol. 1 - December Issue - Year 2000
YTSTRUKTUR ARBOGA AB - New Company with long Experience

hub peening with CNC controlled robitic machine
The Swedish company working in the surface preparation industry was established in 1998. However, it inherited all machinery concerning shot peening, non destructive testing (NDT), lapping, vibration polishing, cleaning and blasting from the former Volvo Aero Corporation. This included a number of valuable employees working for this department and sharing around 15 years of experience in this industry.
The workshop floor has a size of 1200 square metres and is divided for the different processes. About 70% of the turn over comes from the peening business. Dealing mainly with the aviation industry, the company had to develop a premium quality assurance system. It is approved by the JAR-145 and FAR-145 maintenance organisation and works in accordance with ISO 9002. Furthermore, YTSTRUKTUR obtains a quality system that is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ref. to certificate no. VLVY569L and the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) ref. to certificate no.: LFV-S-069. Besides focusing on quality assurance, short turn around times are a priority. In order to be in touch with the newest developments, Ytstruktur Arboga AB maintains a co-operation agreement with Linköpings University (Department of Mechanical Engineering). Depending on the requirements, this department can carry out certain tests for the customers.
Shot Peening:
The peening department has a total of nine shot peening machines. Starting from simple manual operated machines up to a CNC controlled robotic peening machine, for each part the right application can be chosen. If necessary, equipment is available to carry out controlled shot peening in accordance with international standards such as AMS 2432, which relates to the process. If it concerns the peening media, AMS 2431 can be fulfilled. Ytstruktur Arboga AB is source approved by the engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney for shot peening of front compressor hubs of the PW4000, JT8D-200, JT9D-59/70/7Q and JT9D-7R4 engines.
Non Destructive Testing:
The workshop has the capability to do NDT with liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic and eddy current. All NDT personnel are educated in accordance with AIA-NAS-410.
There are a total of five different lapping machines which perform work for a number of different industries in Sweden.
Cleaning and Blasting:
The cleaning and blasting is primarily a complement process to shot peening and NDT, however it contains a complete resource with chemicals for removing grease, oil, dirt, rust and carbon, hardened carbon and paint stripping.
For Information:
P.O. Box 115
732 22 Arboga, Sweden
Tel.: +46.589.824 43
Fax: +46.589.825 01
Internet: www.ytstrukturarboga.se