in Vol. 4 - January Issue - Year 2003
3rd. MFN Shot Peening Workshop in Singapore with a new face!

After counting 84 participants during the MFN workshop last June 2002, it was decided not just to design a completely new curriculum, but to change the concept of the workshop in general. This to present a more sophisticated and efficient training as before.
"Basic", "Intermediate" and "Advanced" Shot Peening Courses
Instead as previously done offering level 1-3 certificates, MFN renamed the different degrees. This so the names of the certificates would relate to the degree of knowledge of the successful student. The new courses are called "Basic", "Intermediate" and "Advanced" Shot Peening Course. However, MFN certainly still will recognize the older certificates.
Individual Classes
One of the most heard feedbacks from students was the request for individual classes, depending on their degree of certified knowledge. Also some very experienced participants stated that they would appreciate the opportunity to make a "several degree" education during one workshop. That means e.g. a basic and an intermediate course at one event. MFN gives credit to those valuable inputs and will introduce a completely new concept.
a) "Basic" Shot Peening Course
The training during that day is designed for participants who are either new in the field of peening, have never received an education on peening or like to refresh their existing knowledge. The topics which are taught in the "Basic" Shot Peening Course are:
-Introduction to Peening and Theory
-Peening Intensity
-Almen Saturation Curve
-Peening Coverage & Exposure Time
-Peening Location, -Masking
-Peening Media
-Shape & Size Inspection
After passing the optional examination at the end of the day, the students should have access to the knowledge needed to work under supervision within a peening department.
b) "Intermediate" and "Advanced" Shot Peening Course
At this stage, both courses are taught together, however, there will be different repetition classes and examinations. Students taking the "Intermediate" shot peening course are tested especially in terms of how to pass audits carried out by 3rd parties such as an aviation manufacturer. How to pass such audits is of great importance to many peening department since it is vital for their business to be approved. The "Intermediate" examination will also ask for details about peening equipment components, machinery styles and application examples.
The "Advanced" Examination will test a what really happens in a metal surface during peening. Among others, issues such as basics in static mechanical properties and fatigue (resistance to fatigue damages), optimization of fatigue properties by means of mechanical surface treatment, different processes and its metallurgical key data will be part of the test.
MFN Trainers
MFN has recruited a total of 5 qualified "Official MFN Trainers", who all have an extensive background in the field of shot peening. Those trainers stay with the workshop organization and therefore are also able to answer questions outside the actual workshop schedule. The classes are always given in a team of at least two trainers. That allows a more active style of teaching. By having a steady team of official MFN trainers, the contents of the training can be greatly improved. Each of the trainers contributed his knowledge and experience from his particular field. Please find on pages 16-17 a detailed biography of the new MFN trainers.
Trade Show
In order to give the students the chance to talk directly to the different suppliers, a trade show is connected to the workshop. A total of 14 booths will be available. The number of booths is limited. Therefore companies should make reservations early.
Introducing Vibratory Finishing
Since vibratory finishing is a process which normally happens in the same workshop such as peening (or in some cases is even used in the same process line), MFN introduces vibratory finishing. However, the contribution will be limited to 1-2 presentations connected to the vibratory finishing.
Further Information
For further information contact Steven at info@mfn.li or Tel. +41.43.2116282. Reports about the last workshops can be found in the "MFN Online Library" under www.mfn.li. Just enter the word "workshop" into the search engine.