in Vol. 1 - December Issue - Year 2000
A Research & Development Center to meet your needs

Versatile Single Turbine Wheel Machine

Durability test machine-Ervin tester
FROHN GmbH a recognized world leader in the manufacture of Specialty Shot Peening Media for over 40 years is proud to announce the expansion of its "Shot Peening Research & Development Center". They have had a strong commitment to research and development for years and stand behind this commitment by dedicating an average of 1.5% of their annual revenue for this express purpose. The expansion of the research and development facility will afford the German manufacturer the opportunity to meet the ever-changing needs of their customers and the Peening Industry more effectively.
The research and development center is equipped with two Wheel Machines, one a single turbine and the newest a double turbine. With only 500 lbs. of media continuous shot flow is guaranteed. The peening process can easily be optimized for short test runs. Change over between batch runs of different media is almost effortless.
Both machines offer an almost infinite variable of adjustments and process simulation. Revolving table, fixed table or continuous pass through can all be simulated. Both machines may also be run in series. The versatility of each machine is further enhanced with variable speed of all the motors. This allows for variable velocity, coverage, saturation, surface texture and ultimately a highly controlled definition and development of the entire peening process.
The German media manufacturer is unique in the industry of Shot Peening. They have an extensive knowledge of Peening Media and the many advantages and uses it offers. This knowledge has been acquired through over 40 years of tried and tested experience. A fully equipped "Peening Laboratory" further strengthens this knowledge and coupled with the newly expanded "FROHN Research & Development Center" offers the Peening Industry an invaluable resource.
Whether a company is interested in redefining an existing process, improving efficiency or developing a new approach the "FROHN Research & Development Center" will be happy to help.
For Information:
Nettestrasse 83-87
58762 Altena, Germany
Tel.: +49.2352.92 81-0
Fax: +49.2352.26283
Internet: www.frohn.com
e-mail: info@frohn.com