in Vol. 15 - March Issue - Year 2014

Main page of MFN INTERNATIONAL listing current issue

E-archive offering all issues ever published as either E-magazines or html version

New MFN CHINA home page
MFN's website www.mfn.li has an average of over 2000 direct visits per day. It is most probably the largest library of articles about peening, blasting, vibratory finishing and cleaning with hundreds of editorials for a particular topic. On one hand, the high number of visits is the result of providing an information platform for the industry; on the other hand, a great part of the visits concern the MFN's education division. Both home pages, the revised MFN INTERNATIONAL and the brand new MFN CHINA website, are designed in the same fashion.
E-Version of the Magazines only for Back Issues
Nowadays it is technically no problem to offer E-versions of magazines with all the benefits using search tools, links, enlargements, etc. However, MFN does not wish to offer the current, most recent issue as E-magazine, in order not to decrease the value of the print version.
Almost anybody can publish an E-magazine, but very few organizations have the means to print a magazine and to distribute it on a global scale. This benchmark ensures that a magazine has to provide a certain level of quality as far as editorials are concerned; therefore, the current issue is only available as an html version. Only back issues (old issues) can be also viewed as E-magazines.
Viewing Library
The extensive library of articles can either be searched by predefined topics or by any keywords. What ever has been published in MFN is available with text and photos. Dozens of scientific papers from Universities around the globe have also been collected over the years. For customers that have published at MFN, such a function is very useful since it allows the easy distribution of an article to any of their clients they require. Users that view the library need to log-in once only, to have unlimited access to all documents.
Online Banner Ads
Side banners and top banners allow companies to advertise their services and products. Each month, the advertisers get automated feedback informing them about the number of visits to their banner ad.
New Search & Find Online Listing
MFN has integrated the same "Search & Find" listing that it offers in the print version now also online. This buyer’s guide is divided into different categories. See also "www.mfn.li/search-find".
Educational Information and Workshops
MFN educates over 1000 people every year in processes such as peening, flap peening, blasting, industrial painting, residual stress measurement, vibratory finishing, etc. All information for the different education means is provided online.
MFN CHINA: www.mfn.li/cn
While the print version of MFN CHINA has already been distributed for over a year, the home page was introduced just in February 2014. The home page has the same features as the one for MFN INTERNATIONAL; however, is dedicated to the Chinese market.