VOL. 15 September ISSUE YEAR 2014
From Editor's Desk
in Vol. 15 - September Issue - Year 2014
12th International Conference on Shot Peening in Goslar, Germany
Prof. Lothar Wagner
September 15 to 18, 2014
Meanwhile, the preparation phase of ICSP-12 is almost completed. Considering the numerous participants (presenters, listeners, guests and exhibitors), this event can already be regarded as a huge success. At present, participants from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and US will come together and discuss the latest findings in the area of mechanical surface treatments.
The pronounced interest in ICSP-12 is certainly due to the fact that the conference topics are not limited to shot peening. Instead, other methods of mechanical surface strengthening are presented and discussed. These include deep rolling, roller- burnishing, flap peening and laser shock peening. Main topics to be discussed are Surface and Surface Layer Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Industrial Applications, Residual Stress Measurements, Process Parameters, Fatigue Performance, Corrosion Performance and Forming.
This diversity also explains the large number of participants from industry. Finally, it is an event that does not focus exclusively on the scientific aspects of mechanical surface treatments.
In addition, typical applications in the aerospace, automotive and chemical industries are also addressed.
Particular highlights of the conference include the lectures of Prof. Helmut Wohlfahrt and Dr. Abbas Niku Lari. Prof. Wohlfahrt. who is well known for his pioneering work in Germany on shot peening, will present a lecture on the development of shot peening activities in Germany: "History of Shot Peening in Germany". Dr. Niku Lari, who initiated the worldwide interest in the scientific aspects of shot peening, hosted the first international conference on shot peening (ICSP-1) in 1981 in Paris. The enormous success of that event led to the well-known triennial conference series "Shot Peening". Dr. Niku Lari’s speech is entitled "From Las Vegas to Goslar".
In addition to technical subjects, entertainment aspects will not fall short. These include visits to the Old Town of Goslar (the Rome of the North) and the World Heritage Site Rammelsberg, both underground and above ground.
Special Guest Editor for September 2014
Prof. Lothar Wagner, Chairman of ICSP-12
E-mail: manfred.wollmann@tu-clausthal.de