in Vol. 15 - November Issue - Year 2014
Report on the ICSP-12 in Goslar

The 12th International Conference on Shot Peening (ICSP-12), kindly supported by Electronics Inc. and MFN, was held from September 14 to 18, 2014 at Goslar in the Hotel Achtermann. This conference series was first implemented in 1981 in Paris, and has taken place since then every three years in the following locations: Chicago, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Tokyo, Oxford, San Francisco, Warsaw, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Marne-la-Vall¨¦e, Tokyo, and South Bend.
More than 200 participants and 20 exhibitors from 25 countries got together to discuss new research results and applications regarding shot peening and other mechanical surface treatment processes such as deep rolling and laser shock peening, fine particle peening and others. The chairman of this year's conference was Prof. Lothar Wagner, director of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering at the Technical University of Clausthal, who already hosted the 8th International Conference on Shot Peening in 2002 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
The first day of the ICSP-12 started with a brilliant plenary lecture given by Prof. Helmut Wohlfahrt about the history of shot peening in Germany where he presented the key developments in this area. Undoubtedly, Prof. Wohlfahrt is the pioneer of systematic research on shot peening in Germany. Starting with his research activities together with Prof. E. Macherauch at the University of Karlsruhe in the 70s, he continued his work very successfully at the Universities of Kassel and Braunschweig where he was always interested in maintaining contacts with industry players. Prof. Wohlfahrt was the first Committee Head of the DGM Working Group "Material Treatments with Peening Media". The successors were Prof. Scholtes, Prof. Wagner and Prof. Schulze.
On the same day, a guided tour of the "Goslar Highlights" was arranged. The following Welcome Reception took place in the historic restaurant "Butterhanne".
The next day started with the keynote on mechanical surface treatments given by Prof. Volker Schulze. After that, presentations on the following subjects "Surface and Surface Layer Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Industrial Applications, Residual Stress Measurements, Process Parameters, Fatigue Performance, Corrosion Performance, Forming" were given during the following days.
During the conference, a meeting of the members of the International Scientific Committee of Shot Peening (ISCSP) took place. The most important topic of this event was the discussion of potential venues of the next International Conference in 2017. The Committee decided with an overwhelming majority, that Montreal Prof. Martin Líesque would be the next Chairman of ICSP-13. Prof. Schulze agreed to serve as the new Chairman of the ISCSP.
A well-received After-Dinner-Speech entitled "From Las Vegas to Goslar" was given at the conference banquet by Dr. Abbas Niku Lari. Dr. Niku Lari initiated this conference series in 1981.
The Shot Peening Conference was concluded by a further highlight: the Unesco World Heritage Site "Rammelsberg". In this mine, copper, zinc and silver ores were mined over a period of more than 1000 years without interruption. This is unique worldwide.
The participants spoke very positively about ICSP-12. No doubt, it was a very successful event!
For Information:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Wagner
Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Wollmann
TU Clausthal
38578 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Tel. +49.5323.722792, Fax: +49.5323.722766
E-mail: lothar.wagner@tu-clausthal.de