Cover Page
in Vol. 16 - September Issue - Year 2015
Our Experience, Your Results!

A test with TEP Finishing machine in Rollwasch laboratories

Wave finishing Robo-TEP plant
After 65 years of specialized activity in mass metal finishing, Rollwasch redesigned its web site based on the competence and experience of their staff.
The mission of their staff is to interact with the customer 100%, both domestic and at European level, therefore the pre-sales team has as its first aim to analyse productivity, identify the quality, the required quantity and automation level, ergonomics, environmental-sustainability and energetic impact.
The Rollwasch team carry out finishing tests in order to establish the suitable type and duration of the process (combination of machine/s, media and/or chemical compounds) able to solve the barrelling and vibrofinishing problem. It is enough to let a Rollwasch technical-salesman have a small set of raw samples to be treated, usually 5 or 10 pieces of the most significant or complex pieces, together with a finished sample as reference for the finishing requirements.
Rollwasch has a technical and sales organisation that is highly specialized and always up-to-date concerning production programmes, finishing processes and research progress for innovative solutions. This is possible thanks to a constant updating as well as a company policy based on professional information and training system.
The Rollwasch technical and sales managers are supported by external staff, dealers, and domestic and foreign sales organisations that contribute to supply the customers with the whole range of their services. The staff of the Rollwasch export division speak fluent English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German, as well as Italian. Rollwasch also makes use of a dealer's network in most important European countries as well as in South America, China and other Asian countries. In some countries, we cooperate with manufacturing agreements on Rollwasch licencing.
The history of the most modern technique of robotized finishing, named "Wave finishing", dates back to the 70's, when Rollwasch developed the first machine "RotoTEP", a rotating tank with a two-hold pieces mechanical arm in Italy. Today it is called "RoboTEP" because of the implementation of a Robot. This programme is in fact based on 360° use of robotics. The increased needs of customers to integrate technologies with highly specialized systems and Hi-Tech, allows us to start synergy with other domestic partners in the robotized grinding field. The synergy arises by the integration of grinding, vibrofinishing, barrelling and TEP finishing, and RoboTEP allows us to offer a new international and technological overview in finishing plants and processes. Last but not least, during the last years, thanks to the engineering offers, Rollwasch has started to propose a Robo Blast solution, or better, sandblasting, shot peening and shot blasting solutions attended by robotics or interactive with other Rollwasch finishing solutions.
Logistics organisation is based on particular care of the stock turnover together with the minimum stock requested to meet statistical purchase requirements. This department is directly involved in the production planning of machines and standard products in order to satisfy statistical average demand. The aim of this organisation is therefore to grant the best possible delivery time. In the case of special plants and/or machines, the same department is responsible for purchasing order control, outline specifications and technical enclosures, and check that the machine or plant is in accordance with them before the acceptance run is made.
Rollwasch is constantly involved in granting the highest satisfaction to the customer, in compliance with the quality and safety requirements, supporting them in process optimisation research along with the laboratory technician, always wary to supply avant-garde solutions in compliance with environmental and current regulations.
Once the type of machine and the product to be used have been determined, Rollwasch is also able to carry out important controls for the environment such as phonometric surveys and air and waste water analyses, either directly or through specialized and certified firms.
Customers interested in solving the problem of wastewater treatments produced in the barrelling-vibrofinishing processes will have the possibility of taking advantage of their Chemical Laboratory. Rollwasch will carry out a first-step test on your wastewater in order to identify the most suitable solution for your specific requirements.
Their slogan "Our experience, your results!" underlines how Rollwasch does not base its success only on innovative products, but on the active interaction with the customer and their satisfaction as well.
For Information:
Rollwasch® Italiana S.p.a.
Via San Carlo, 21
20847 Albiate (MB), Italy
Tel. +39.0362.930334
Fax +39.0362.931440
E-mail: info@rollwasch.it