in Vol. 16 - September Issue - Year 2015
Sm@rt Innovation In Shotblasting Industry

Mr. Miha Bavc

ir Sm@rt wheel with rotating control cage
MFN met with Mr. Miha Bavcar, Design and Development Manager of Gostol TST, an international producer of shot blasting equipment, to talk about the new development ir Sm@rt wheel and new line of machines called Basic.
(?) MFN: How would you describe ir sm@rt wheel?
(!) M. B.: With sm@rt wheels you have control over the process, control over the service, and easier ordering of spare parts.
(?) MFN: What are the main advantages of new ir sm@rt wheel?
(!) M. B.: Wheels are produced in three quality classes (Basic, Standard and Superior). Each class has a different lifetime. Innovative solutions allow you to change different types of blades (straight and curved) and different types of control cages and shields on the same wheel. With all the options, you can assemble the wheel according to the needs of your process. The wheel has low vibrations (the rotor doesn't have to be centred), so noise level is also reduced. Turbines are manufactured in three sizes: 320, 380 and 500. The range of motors are from 7,5 to 75 kW.
In addition to the aforementioned advantages, we have developed special modules that can be installed in each shot blasting machine with our wheels (plug & play).
(?) MFN: Why is your wheel called sm@rt wheel?
(!) M. B.: The wheel has sensors to control the wear and the state of the wheel and to reduce the amount of spare parts for the user. Sm@rt wheel has three important sensor parts: Blast pattern control, Shields SOS and Smart blades. With these systems, we have control over the wheel situation and can control the blasting process.
(?) MFN: Can you describe Blast pattern control?
(!) M. B.: Blast pattern control is developed to control blast pattern, to control wear of control cage, and to control angle of incidence of particles on the work piece. Together with rotating module (automatic setting of control cage) is setting and providing the angle of incidence fully autonomously and with repeatability. The system consists of a wear-resistant speed sensor, pneumatic feed mechanism and housing for system protection. The sensor checks (interval can be set) the position of blast pattern daily. In case the sensor detects blast pattern offset from the desired area, the control cage is automatically moved. The system gives us a graphical presentation of blast pattern position. With this system, we ensure the standard SAE AMS2432 and control the wear of the control cage.
(?) MFN: Shields are wheel parts that often need to be replaced.
(!) M. B.: Yes, it may happen that the abrasive damages shields, then the wheel, and the surrounding area of the machine many times. For this purpose, we have developed SOS shields.
(?) MFN: How do your SOS shields work and what is the advantage?
(!) M. B.: When the shield is worn to a certain point by abrasive, it gives us an output signal (on PLC or sends a message / notification for spare parts directly to the department for spare parts). The wheel can run and you have enough time to order spare parts. The advantage of the system is protection of the machine and wheel housing. The most important thing is that the wheel gives us information as to what condition it is in, and provides information for order of spare parts. The advantage is that it is not necessary for the customer to keep a larger stock of shields.
(?) MFN: How do you control the wear of the blades?
(!) M. B.: To control the wear of the blades, a special algorithm has been developed, which monitors the vibrations of the blades. The intelligent system monitors and detects vibrations in the first week. This system is designed to »learn« the initial vibrations. On the basis of captured data, we can determine and predict when the blades need to be replaced. The more data the system captures, the more accurately we can predict the state of the blades. The condition of the blades is shown graphically in the PLC or in the CNS system. There is also data, such as after how many days it will be necessary to order spare parts, and in how many days the blades will be worn out. The system works based on vibrations, which are captured on the wheel. Vibrations are through an interface appropriately »filtered« and uses only those that are necessary to analyse the blades. The system is extremely accurate and reliable. The built-in algorithm together with the control of the blades controls also the bearings of the electrical motor of the wheel.
(?) MFN: Why do your wheels have a QR code?
(!) M. B.: Each wheel is equipped with a sm@rt QR code. The specialty of this code is that through it, we have access to a variety of useful information about the wheel / machine. With it, we have access to the operation and maintenance manual and video content on how to set and change wheel parts. Through the app, we can review and order spare parts. A service book is entered via an application. QR code is important because of its ease of access, review, and order of spare parts.
(?) MFN: At GIFA you also presented a new line of machines called Basic. Can you describe your lines of machines?
(!) M. B.: Yes, have divided our machines into three groups: Basic, Standard and Superior. There is no difference in the manufacturing quality of the machines. The main difference between these three types of lines is in the standardization of the machines. Basic line is standard machines with limited options and short delivery time. Machines in standard line can have some adjustments, the delivery time is longer, and the costs are a bit higher. Superior line has "no limits". These machines are completely adjustable to customer needs.
(?) MFN: Which type of machines do you offer in Basic line?
(!) M. B.: For the moment, we offer two types of machines in Basic line: Roller conveyor shot-blasting machine and spinner hanger shot-blasting machine. In the future, we are planning to adjust some other types of machines for the Basic line.
(?) MFN: What are your plans for the future?
(!) M. B.: We are planning to continue in the desired direction. Gostol TST is a company well known for its innovation and its own brand in the defined markets. With our solutions based on customer demands, we produce reliable, high-quality shot-blasting machines. Our equipment is well known in Europe and Russia, but we want to become even more recognized also in other parts of the world.
MFN would like to thank Miha Bavcar for this interview!
For Information:
Gostol TST d.d.
Ciginj 63, 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia
Tel. +386.5.380 12 80
Fax +386.5.380 12 90
E-mail: sales@gostol-tst.eu