MFN Trainer Column
in Vol. 16 - November Issue - Year 2015
Residual Stress And Their Measurement Training In Singapore

MFN residual stress and their measurement workshop in 2014

Markus Laakkonen
The main benefit of the shot peening process is high compressive stress state in the surface or just below the surface. That increases the resistance of the material to fatigue failures, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion, hydrogen assisted cracking, etc. Other properties, which are changing and which are affecting the performance of the part in the shot peening, are roughness and hardness of the surface.
To gain deeper understanding of residual stress and their measurement, MFN established the first training course of these subjects in Singapore last year, 2014. This year in December, MFN will hold a second training course that will include theoretical lessons and hands-on training along with a couple of the most common residual stress measurement techniques. This training course is a one-day training course held at the same time with a parallel shot-peening course at ARTC facilities. ARTC facilities venue is an excellent place to hold these kinds of training courses because there are facilities for hands-on training as well.
The theoretical part of the training course includes overview of many different residual stress measurement techniques as well as origin of residual stresses. The deeper understanding participants will get from X-ray diffraction and hole-drilling methods will result from our half-day of hands-on training course. These two techniques are the required most-known residual stress measurement techniques.
The idea of a training course is mainly to serve people from the shot peening field, but we will illustrate examples from different fields to enable participants to get a better overview and understanding of residual stresses.
I hope that we will see you in wonderful Singapore in December! For more information concerning residual stress training courses please refer to our MFN webpages and magazine.
For questions contact markus1@mfn.li
Author: Markus Laakkonen