in Vol. 17 - January Issue - Year 2016

This knees prosthesis is shown during the three finishing processes, after the fusion phases, after the grinding process with/by robot, and after the surface polishing

Multichannel technology for finishing plants
Rollwasch® was established in Milan in 1950. Following a substantial development of techniques, products and machines for mass metal finishing surfaces in the mid-eighties, it has devoted peculiar and successful attention to the medical market in Switzerland, Italy and France. It was a real "technological mission" dedicated to surface finishing of endoprostheses such as knees, hips, femoral heads, maxilla-facial plaques, orthopedic plates and screws, intramedullary needles, lumbar disc prostheses, endoscopes components, hypodermic needles, skeleton and components for dental implants, ceramic and special polymer resin components.
For this reason, Rollwasch® was able to join competence and resources to develop "Wave Finishing" technology; that is, the combination of RoboTEP machines with innovative media and compounds (RotoDry processes) as well as:
1. Multichannel technology to operate with two up to three media simultaneously, in separate channels, up to three robots for the process tank;
2. Integrated grinding technology;
Multichannel technology (Patent pending - I) allows to operate more finishing steps in a single tank, with one, two up to three finishing media simultaneously.
In recent years Rollwasch® technology has developed a dry process, called Rotodry (patent pending - I) that can replace various processes of wet smoothing, combined with additional dry processes of polishing and superfinishing. This technique, combined with an excellent surface preparation, implemented with different steps of grinding, with the appropriate particle sizes of abrasive belts, rotation speeds, pressures and angles, determines constant and repeatable results, reaching high-quality standards and reducing industrial costs. Rollwasch®, in fact, focused on the interaction of technologies (Joint technologies) to offer, with a single contract, more skills and resources to help to achieve a perfect finishing.
Wave finishing RoboTEP machines can greatly simplify the management of several complex resources, working out a perfect finishing cycle, from casting to grinding, going through several stages, until fine smoothing and polishing.
After this step, it is possible to perform ultrasonic cleaning thanks to the latest "Dual Frequenz" technology, synonymous of efficiency and experience in the medical field.
The formula known as "pilot production" is a step that precedes the investment, with cost sharing, in which Rollwasch® is able to offer a set of objective results, very useful to make statistical or pre-series evaluations.
In addition to this interesting contractual "tool", Rollwasch® also offers a period of "pre-delivery" during which it is possible to use the system, before delivery, to assess the development, the planning of the software, and the evaluation of the actual performance.
For Information:
Rollwasch® Italiana S.p.a.
Via San Carlo, 21
20847 Albiate (MB), Italy
Tel. +39.0362.930334
Fax +39.0362.931440
E-mail: info@rollwasch.it