NEWSBEAT – Conversations with Rosanne Baiker
in Vol. 17 - May Issue - Year 2016
Looking Ahead In A Down Market

Dan Spinner, Technical Manager of Superior Shot Peening, Inc. in Houston, Texas, USA and Changzhou China
MFN was able to get an interview with Dan Spinner, Technical Manager of Superior Shot Peening, Inc. in Houston, Texas, USA and Changzhou China.
Your last interview with us was in 2011. It is a pleasure to talk to you again! Would you please give us more details in what direction Superior Shot Peening has been heading during the last few years?
Superior Shot Peening has still been pursuing the position of the Industry Leader in the processing of O&G components for superior, increased, and extended life through the application of
several thermal spray systems, organic coatings, and conventional and ultrasonic peening.
During the last half of 2015 to the current day, the downward changes in the O&G have created significant challenges and yet significant opportunities to meet these challenges. As such, Superior has been pursuing “non-oil” opportunities where we can utilize our existing work force and technology base.
Your Company is not only successful in North America, but also other countries? Please let us know what your global strategies are, and what markets are, most important for you.
Currently our facility in Changzhou China is still operating very well, but has seen some slowing due to the persistent glut of supply. In light of these facts, Superior is also exploring non-O&G opportunities, and has landed a few very successful boiler component peening opportunities. Superior still has plans in place for further global expansion as the supply issues ease.
Besides shot peening and coating, Superior Shot Peening also provides other products and services. Can you give us an inside view?
In addition to conventional shot peening, Superior has entered into an agreement with Sonats to further the use of ultrasonic peening and ultrasonic needle peening. The technology yields a big advantage to the ultimate life of a component versus conventional shot peening, but a little more difficult to apply. Therefore applications need to be selective.
Where would you see the main strengths of your company?
The main strengths of Superior Shot Peening are the people! We have maintained a truly dedicated workforce that enables us to maintain the title "Home of the 24-hour turnaround" and the "One-stop shop". Additionally, Superior has been particularly diligent and astute in evaluating new technologies, and employing them where they fit.
The American market is slowly recovering. Where would you see Superior Shot Peening 5 years from now?
It is not the American market that is in a slow recovery, but the global Oil & Gas market is gasping for air. Superior is reacting to this by making sure our facilities and staff are of the quality to maintain under the current market conditions, but also always remain poised to ramp up as the market does recover.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, we have been asked by non-O&G businesses about utilizing the technologies that we have in place to assist them in their pursuit of products with superior life characteristics. We are aiming for a significant volume of non-O&G business by the end of 2016. This will strengthen our business position through growth, and enable us to pursue more areas of O&G business out of this growth.
MFN would like to thank Dan Spinner for the interview!
For Information:
Superior Shot Peening, Inc.
2350 Security Forest Drive
Cleveland, TX 77328, USA
Tel. +1.281.432.0900
Fax +1.281.432.0912
E-mail: dspinner@superiorshotpeening.com