From Editor's Desk
in Vol. 17 - July Issue - Year 2016
The 4th China Conference and International Seminar on Shot-Peening Technologies

Professor Chuanhai Jiang
The Conference was be held in CHANGZHOU (Jiangsu Province, China) from May 28 to 31, 2016. The event was jointly organized by the Shot Peening Technology Committee and Residual Stress Committee of China Society of Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Council of China Society of Automotive Engineering.
The conference was hosted by the Qishuyan Institute of Locomotive Manufacturing Processing, and CRRC. Experts, scholars, engineers and technicians from various industries, colleges, universities and research institutes have participated in the event.
This happening mainly focused on shot peening technology as applied in key equipment and the corresponding components. Topics included the following aspects: (1) Conventional surface strengthening technologies such as shot peening and shot blasting, ultrasonic impacting, grinding and rolling; (2) New surface strengthening technologies such as laser peening and composite shot peening; (3) Residual stresses induced by shot peening and characterization of material structures; (4) Effects of shot peening on the fatigue and stress corrosion resistance performances of material; (5) Shot peening processing and forming technology; (6) Theoretical analysis and digital simulation of shot peening processes; (7) Shot peening strengthening and failure prevention of mechanical parts; and (8) Advanced shot peening equipment, peening medium and testing instruments, etc.
During the conference, experts and scholars from both foreign and domestic institutions reported on the latest research, application and key technical issues of shot peening. Technical data on shot peening and reference material with known residual stress induced by shot peening has been provided to all attendees free of charge. The happening also included practical shot peening technology training workshops as well as a display of shot-peening equipment, peening medium and testing instruments and experts arranged to answer questions.
We would like to thank all the participants, who helped turn this event into a great success!
Special Guest Editor for July 2016
Professor Chuanhai Jiang
Director of Lab of Shot Peening and Residual Stress, School of Material Science &
Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Executive Vice Chair of Scientific Committee of Shot Peening, China
Vice Chair and Secretary General of Scientific Committee of Residual Stress, China
E-mail: chjiang@sjtu.edu.cn