in Vol. 18 - March Issue - Year 2017
Supplying The Trust For Decades

Mehmet Feza Guler, Foreign Trade and Marketing Director of Expert Mumessillik

Expert Mumessillik of Turkey (EXPERT) acting as an international company of more than 25 years standing at the leadership of supply for numerous types of hi-tech materials and equipments including foundry products, surface treatment abrasives, industrial minerals and raw materials that are successfully used in a variety of main industries differing from foundries, aerospace, automotive to ceramics, aluminium, glass, tool making, agriculture, etc. At this unique organisation of industrial supplies, Foreign Trade and Marketing Director Mehmet Feza Guler shares with MFN the company’s outlook and its customer-oriented initiatives.
(?) MFN: Mr.Guler, thank you for taking the time for this interview. Would you, first of all, introduce yourself to our readers?
(!) M. F. G.: My name is Mehmet Feza Guler and I have been working as Foreign Trade and Marketing Director for Expert for more than 3 years.
In my whole 30 years of business life, I have been involved with the entire surface treatment techniques for the last 12 years up-to-date.
Apart from using my international trade skills in the company, I am much involved with the promotion of complete surface treatment solutions, which includes sales and marketing, shot peening and shot blasting media, and the machinery and equipment associated with the training programmes as well.
During the years of my involvement, I have had the chance to attend many specified courses and experienced numerous nice excursions for the surface treatment applications.
(?) MFN: How is the recent situation in your market and how have you positioned yourself?
(!) M. F. G.: Turkey’s macroeconomic performance since 2000’s has been impressive. Fiscal stability was at the heart of its performance making Turkey an upper-middle-income country with a population of 80 million.
Since 2010, in particular, slow growth in Europe and a deteriorating geo-political environment in its neighborhood have negatively affected exports, investments, and annual growths.
Political developments in 2016 have presented further depression. Especially, private investments have been delayed, leading to slower economic growth.
Despite all this, the majority of the nation’s businesses have shown strong resilience and the country has derived a climate of new opportunities, which then turned into new investments and re-boosted the economy.
Under this circumstance, we were able to achieve the targets least predicted at the beginning of 2016. Throughout our realistic and dedicated approach, we were able to keep our #1 ranking of leading promotions that relied on full commitment of each of our team member’s skills and enthusiasm.
As an approach of all team members well unified in company policy, the members in the team are admired specialists of the subjects concerned. That’s why I strongly believe we are so likely to deserve the given name "Expert"!
Satisfied customers and our technical expertise have led us to reach 70% - 80% market shares for many key products countrywide.
Taking into consideration that we have many fields to serve and many more miles to take, we feel, we are still on the first steps of achievements for many interesting sectors.
(?) MFN: As the leader in the abrasive and industrial supplies market over the past 25 years, how has EXPERT maintained its market position?
(!) M. F. G.: We are missioned to promote customers by providing them know-how and conveying absolute benefits of each of our innovative products that are enriched with the latest technologies and unique features.
Far from just being a supplier, we have the constant wish to follow and team-up with our customers in order to bring added value to their processes.
This is of course in company with the well-organised infrastructure of each valuable manufacturer we represent and promote products in exclusivity for, such as Winoa, Sinto, Krampeharex, Elkem, HWS, Straaltechniek, Eirich, Sovitec and many more.
I believe that our technically specialised and customer-oriented approaches in combination with dedicated visits with the technical staff from each manufacturer, has brought us the opportunity to observe the real requirements as well as giving us the position of acting as their solutions partner to optimise customer benefits.
Other important aspects have been; our strong distribution network, high level of stocks, and location of warehouses in close proximity to where our customers operate.
Over the course of years, customers have seen and are yet confident that Expert would always offer high-performance products with an exceptional quality delivered every single time.
(?) MFN: Which products do you supply in surface treatment, and what are your reasons for collaboration?
(!) M. F. G.: We are exclusive agents for almost 15 of the most reputable brands worldwide, but collaborate with more than 20 companies.
We have all types of metallic and non-metallic abrasives and shot peening media among our promotions. All products are sold respectively to premium features of each brand.
As we are committed to remain as the leader in the focused industries, we dedicate ourselves to representing only premium products.
Only quality products can be produced from high quality materials and consumables.
(?) MFN: What are your initiatives and key focuses in the coming months?
(!) M. F. G.: As we serve in many various fields, we observe many other multiple uses of materials we are promoting.
We plan to focus on these new aspects to enlarge our activities and strengthen our relationship with our manufacturers.
For instance, we buy and distribute alumina for cleaning and surface preparation applications; however, there also exists a huge consumption of these in refractory and ceramics industries. Likely we are eager to promote our products in any available industries.
Most of our satisfied clients ask us to develop an alternative supply for the products and services with which they have not been recently satisfied. Of course, this kind of innovation relies on us evolving and growing our local and global business into new regions and market applications.
Knowing that we should properly keep improving the presence of our core products, our continuous focus on innovation is culminating in the launch of new products for surface treatment applications.
MFN would like to thank Mehmet Feza Guler for this interview!
For Information:
Ekspert Mumessillik Tur. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Icerenkoy Eski Bakkalkoy Yolu Tezcan Apt.
No:54/6 34752 Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel. +90.216.573 38 88
Fax +90.216.573 06 28
E-mail: feza.guler@expert.com.tr