in Vol. 18 - March Issue - Year 2017
The New Generation of Wireless Technologies

Rollwasch is involved with important R&D projects, increasingly oriented towards the Finishing 4.0.
Rollwasch, established in 1950, has an experience of over 65 years in the mass metal-finishing treatment field.
Rollwasch company is very active in terms of R&D profile and the aim is to improve its machines and devices, constantly setting new standards with its most reliable and qualified/experienced solutions, by means of the wireless technology and dedicated software applications.
New technologies are set to obtain the maximum levels of automation, efficiency and versatility.
In the Manufactory 4.0 era, Rollwasch R&D is developing a new vanguard planning strategy, named "Wi-Finishing" in order to study modular control solution for its machines, devices and accessories.
They do not refer to a high technology or a robotic platform, in which a high automation grade is taken for granted. It refers instead to standard and widespread applications for surface finishing plants like vibratory and barrelling finishing plants.
The aim is to let its own experience meet with the increasing requirements of the customer, that is always more oriented to the automation concept and to modern management.
Thanks to the new generation of wireless technologies and by taking advantage of complex software integration project of those devices and machineries, Rollwasch is developing a wide range of APPS (Applications) to manage processes and works, by means of programming and an extremely simple and interactive management with the operator and the new Finishing 4.0 department.
With a check options control panel, simple and interactive menu, scalable and independent modular devices (thanks to industrial level of Wi-Fi technologies), a Rollwasch investment is oriented to the total expandability and versatility over time.
The strength of the "WI-Finishing" strategy is the software engineering, developed by a team that is able to integrate different level of experience, to achieve the optimal balance between security, efficiency, operational simplicity, repeatability and competitiveness for each modular solution.
For Information:
Rollwasch® Italiana S.p.a.
Via San Carlo, 21
20847 Albiate (MB), Italia
Tel. +39.0362.930334
Fax +39.0362.931440
E-mail: info@rollwasch.it