
VOL. 19 September ISSUE YEAR 2018


in Vol. 19 - September Issue - Year 2018
Green Alternative To Wet Process
Superminor Machines for Vibrodry processes complete with technologic pallet

Superminor Machines for Vibrodry processes complete with technologic pallet

Pioneer machine for Vibrodry processes, with aspiration applied also to the divider plates

Pioneer machine for Vibrodry processes, with aspiration applied also to the divider plates

Workpieces after dry process with QF media, during the separation and discharge phase from the finishing media

Workpieces after dry process with QF media, during the separation and discharge phase from the finishing media

"Ceramic media" and "plastic media" are available today in many shapes, sizes and abrasive rates. A typical application in the area of mass metal finishing is the wet process based on:
• Finishing media (ceramic or plastic);
• Chemical compound (degreasing, protective, deoxidizing, or other functions);
• Vibratory finishing unit;
• Centrifugal filter for muds, to recycle the main percentage of finishing compound;
• Flocculating compound and/or anti foam compound for the centrifugal filter;
• Drying unit to dry the wet workpieces;

In almost all the above applications of wet process, the production of waste is increased by higher humidity reading in the mud, which is normally (average) represented by 40% to 60% of the final waste, if stored in a dry place.

The today presence on the market of wet process is in regard to virtually the majority of applications of mass metal finishing, although the dry processes available today are more developed than ten years ago when their diffusion started with a minimum percentage, at least in Europe.

Of course the reason of this majority is not always the result of a real "finishing strategy" operated by the final users, but mostly the result of a combination of factors, as reported here:
• Some manufacturers or distributors of mass metal-finishing machines and media do not have a complete technology for dry finishing, therefore they do not offer it and continue to propose "classic" solutions like the wet process;
• Some final users have other priorities rather than dedicating their time to test new finishing methods and thinking about modifying anything at their works, therefore they continue to operate with traditional methods;
• Some final users have a very small consumption of media and compounds, so have no stimulus to explore new options available with the most modern and innovative finishing processes;
• Sometimes the dry process is not applicable for the presence of some specific shapes or capillaries, or for other physical limitations, therefore in this case it is normal to continue with a wet process;
• Until a few years ago there was a limitation for the presence of oil films or small fat residues on the surface of parts that someone wanted to process in a dry mode. Nevertheless, the situation has improved today although most of such potential users have not yet reconsidered the new opportunities offered by new dry processes compatible with fat pollutants.

The evolution of the dry finishing process is offering more and more opportunities; nevertheless, the awareness of the real possibilities available has not always been updated.

"QF Media" Represent The
Beginning Of A Green Alternative

QF media (Acronym for: Quattrofinish media – Patent pending - I) is a new generation of polymeric ABRASIVE media offered in several possible formulations. 
To avoid confusions, the object of this article is to describe the family of QF identified with the final letters L (Like Leading-edge type), for use in DRY MODE.

In fact, the manufacturing program of QF media provides:
QF – P_ To substitute Plastic Media in wet mode finishing processes
QF – C_ To substitute Ceramic Abrasive Media in wet mode finishing processes
QF – L_ New family of media for dry finishing processes (Vibrodry – Patent pending – I)
QF – PV New family of media for Microfluid  finishing processes (very low water consumption finishing processes based on multitasking finishing, including final drying option with hot air – Patent pending – I)

Where the final "_" is left, a number informs the abrasiveness degree, whilst final letter "V" means "Vectorial technology" with non-abrasive composition (for a certain way similar to the porcelain media, but for different finishing targets).

In consideration of the advantages of a dry finishing process, there are also additional advantages offered by the WASTE DISPOSAL savings, and by the reduction of transport costs and storage volumes, the QF MEDIA represent the beginning of a green alternative run across a better way of finishing.

The R&D activity to develop more types, formulations, shapes and sizes of QF media has been running with incessant rhythm since 2007, offering to the market of 2018, a mature product, with great growth perspectives.

As a final point, it is important to know that QF media are manufactured with renewable energy, with low impact on the environment and with the option to recycle the used media in almost all the standard applications.

For Information:
Rollwasch® Italiana S.p.a.
Via San Carlo, 21
20847 Albiate (MB), Italia
Tel. +39.0362.930334
Fax +39.0362.931440
E-mail: info@rollwasch.it