
VOL. 20 January ISSUE YEAR 2019


in Vol. 20 - January Issue - Year 2019
Shot Peening and Blast Cleaning Training in Bengaluru, India

MFN India organised a Shot Peening and Blast cleaning training workshop in Bengaluru from 26th – 29th November 2018. It was a 4-day event starting with Blast cleaning training followed by Levels 1-2-3 of MFN shot peening training. There were local participants from the surrounding industries, and this training also attracted international participation especially from the Middle East.
India has the fastest growing aviation market in the world, and Bengaluru is the largest aviation-manufacturing hub in the country.
This training was an opportunity for the participants to gain knowledge on how to approach the shot peening application systematically. The design of the training involved first getting introduced with the basic knowledge, then identifying with all the important aspects of the process and finally, being able to control and monitor the process without any interruptions. The participants found the training very informative and exhaustive on the topic of Shot peening.
Blast cleaning training too was well received. The participants were able to touch down upon their basics in the field of blast cleaning. By understanding the function and working principles of all the different mechanisms in a blast-cleaning machine, one can improve productivity and ensure many savings in terms of extended life of the machine spares.
Generally, one thinks blast cleaning cannot be included in Statistical process control (SPC program). Apparently, it is not only possible to include it, but also immensely beneficial through its implementation.
The advantage of this training is mainly to get knowledge of the latest industrial quality practices and provide the team with the motivation to excel in their performance.
MFN Training in the field of Blast cleaning and Shot peening is welcomed in India mainly due to the lack of any other extensive programs currently available. This program provides awareness of the latest industrial standard practices and of future technologies.

For Information:
Metal Finishing News
Frohbergstr. 38, 8620 Wetzikon, Switzerland
Tel. +41.44.831 2644
E-mail: info@mfn.li