
VOL. 5 July ISSUE YEAR 2004


in Vol. 5 - July Issue - Year 2004
Camshaft Inspection – CamScan 300 with microscope

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 17May 2004 – CamScan 300 stand lets you check the grinding or heat treatment quality of your camshafts quickly and easily, load your camshaft onto the stand between centers, move the sensor under the lobe, start the motorized rotation, and view the quality of your camshaft lobe surface on the Rollscan or ViewScan software window.  To take a closer look at the part for imperfections or some other reason, stop the Rollscan measurement and slide the microscope above the spot.

For information:
Robert Ehrman, Marketing Manager
Tel. +1.412.963 0676, ext.11
E-mail: behrman@astresstech.com