in Vol. 6 - March Issue - Year 2005
Standardized Robotic Shot Peening Equipment for the Aviation Industries

Robot with 6 axis and nozzle exchange station mounted on the left and right cabin wall.

Even though there are different types and brands of aircraft and engine, looking at the single parts, which have to be shot peened, one will recognize that they are very much alike. At least as far as shot peening is concerned. Of course there are all sizes of hubs, disks, blisks, blades, landing gears, engine shafts, etc. and no machine could cover all applications. But certainly it makes sense to try to design equipment which can process most of the parts. The Swiss manufacturer Baiker AG took a closer look at this concept.
Especially for engines, in particular in aircraft overhaul and repair shops, which usually deal with many different airliners or manufacturers, flexibility and quick turn around times are key factors. Such job shops can not plan months ahead of time, since a repair can often not be scheduled.
So the shot peening machine has to be setup quickly to be able to treat a new work piece, should be as automated as possible and has to fulfill all the different stringent specifications which come either directly from the manufacturers or the aviation authorities.
Standardized Robotic Equipment
A large 6 axis robot in conjunction with an indexing turn table of 1200mm diameter, has a sufficient working envelope to deal with most of the engine and aircraft parts which require peening.
Looking at the automated nozzle exchange station from which the robot gets the right peening nozzle, such an application is completely automated. Only the work piece and fixture have to be installed on the turn table manually. A number of fixtures for all the different parts make sure that the setup is as efficient as possible.
The system comes with closed loop control for all relevant peening parameters. So the operator does not necessarily have to stay at the equipment during the process, since the machine will shut down automatically in case of a disturbance. All parameters will be either printed out or stored on the computer, which on request can analyze the data using SPC (Statistical Process Control) methods.
Media storage silos allow access to different shot sizes. Vibrating sieves and shape classifiers ensure that the shot is always used within specification. Such standardized equipment is usually delivered as a "turn key" project and can also include the programming of a given number of work pieces on request.
For Information:
Baiker AG
Alpenstrasse 1
8152 Galttbrugg, Switzerland
Tel. +41.43.21162 72, Fax. 211 62 71
E-Mail: info@baiker.ch, www.baiker.ch