in Vol. 6 - November Issue - Year 2005
8th International MFN Shot Peening Workshop & Trade Show in Florida, USA

MFN is organizing its 8th International Shot Peening Workshop and Trade Show in Florida. It is the first time that MFN is hosting such an event in North America and it will take place from the 9th-11th May 2006 at the Holiday Inn Clearwater Beach.
Even though this event has not been promoted in the MFN magazine so far, the feedback has already been great. 70 % of the exhibition floor space has been reserved already. And this half a year before the event takes place. 3 different FAA accepted shot peening courses are offered. Furthermore, MFN is focusing on providing an extensive hands-on training. Such training will take place for flap peening, sieve analysis, Ervin tester and residual stress measurement equipment.
Official MFN trainers from 9 different countries will teach the courses and lead the optional FAA accepted exams. MFN is inviting selected guest speakers from the industry and expects about 100 participants.
For further information please see www.mfn.li/workshops.