in Vol. 6 - November Issue - Year 2005
Superfinishing Delicate Components Customer-Specific Finishing Solutions

When finishing turbine blisks a one-hundred-percent even removal is guaranteed

Rotary vibratory bowl technology offers excellent properties for the processing of pump wheels


The surfaces of bearing rollers are polished in a rotary vibratory bowl by the Keramo-Finish
Keramo-Finish® Surface Finishing This precision process was developed by Rösler to achieve micro-fine surfaces for the aviation industry, in particular for processing turbine blades and rotors of all kinds. For this specialized process, a rotary vibratory bowl is most commonly used. Keramo-Finish® processing involves a combination of high-density, low-abrasive special media, grinding paste and polishing compound. The surface of the component is polished by special “RP” chips coated with abrasive paste that exert slight pressures during a precisely defined processing period. Due to the very slow movement of the mass within the bowl, it is possible to polish several components at the same time without the risk of damage.
Grinding and burnishing processes are very important steps in surface finishing of components made of aluminium, magnesium, nickel, stainless steel or titanium. The high-quality materials and the often highly sensitive areas of application of the products require specialized procedures.
When selecting the surface finishing system, one critical aspect is that the components can not have any part-on-part contact during processing. Therefore, Rösler uses rotary and trough-style vibratory bowls, plunge grinding and drag finishing units, or Rotomatic continuous flow systems for processing of such delicate components.
The media and compounds are matched to the individual processing requirements - high-performance abrasive media or polishing media, grinding media with micro-fine graining or grinding pastes, as well as specially- suited compounds are used. All of the media mentioned have been specially developed by Rösler in our laboratory. In some cases, chemically accelerated REM finishing or the patented Rösler Keramo-Finish® process is used. This is the processing method designed to meet the specification requirements of several of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers.
Special Application: Rotary Vibratory Bowl
In order to process oversized components gently and economically, it is not always necessary to utilize a drag finishing or continuous-flow system. Rotary vibratory bowl technology is more cost effective, while also offering excellent processing of large and delicate individual components with outer diameters of between 300 mm (12 in) and 1900 mm (75 in) and weighing up to 800 kg (1,764 lbs). Rotary vibratory bowls are sturdy, user-friendly, and economical in terms of media and compound consumption. They are also ideally suited for ball burnishing or deflashing, as well as Keramo-Finish® high-gloss polishing. With the addition of peripheral equipment, they can be configured as fully automated processing cells.
Special Keramo-Finish Polishing Media-RP ®
For Keramo-Finish® processing, the Rösler laboratory has developed special porcelain polishing media. The Keramo-Finish® RP media is identifiable by a micro-crystalline binding structure with a specific weight of 2.91 g/cm³.
For Information:
Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH
Tel. +49.9533.924-0
E-Mail: info@rosler.com, www.rosler.com