From Editor's Desk
in Vol. 8 - March Issue - Year 2007
Are You a Team Player?

Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.), Chief Editor MFN
That is a quite popular buzzword for people who are responsible for hiring staff. And by all means, nowadays, it seems to be almost impossible to run a successful business without team work. The lone ranger type of personalities who were able to run a business "their way" have especially in a global market surrounding no real chance anymore. Too demanding are the skills required to compete in a global market so therefore different human resources have to work together to reach one defined goal.
But what makes a good team player? Some companies have financed the development of an extensive questionnaire just to answer that question. Such information is found in no certificate and just because somebody once played basket ball or soccer does not necessarily make him an effective team player. Of course there are the stereotype attitudes which describe a team player as being responsible, open for feedback, able to build relationships, able to share success and give and take credit when it is due, etc.. But somehow that sounds all too "school book" like. People come with different personalities and have rough edges and still fit into a team.
Probably the most important quality a team member has to have is the understanding that he is just a part of the whole picture and that in order to be successful, all parts have to work together. And a team player should not only comprehend that his contribution is not necessarily the most important in the team, but know that there is no need to define the most important contribution...
An efficient team usually includes a good mix of different personalities. You need the creative type who has a vision or an idea, one who has good networking, the cooperative team player, the one with the specialist skills, one that turns ideas into solutions, one who gets issues completed and last but not least a person who keeps the team together.
And the rewarding thing in working well together in a team is not just the fact that you can achieve so much more, but to enjoy the team spirit and share the success with the others.
Best Regards
Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.), Chief Editor MFN
Author: Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.)