in Vol. 2 - November Issue - Year 2001
Inside Diameter Tube Blasting Equipment

Automated ID tube blast

Pipe before treatment
Surface Automation Systems, LLC designs, manufactures and supports grit blasting, shot peening, and thermal spraying equipment. Its main focus is providing custom automated solutions for the surface finishing industry.
Surface Automation Systems, LLC (SAS) specializes in custom equipment that specifically meets the individual customer's needs. One such need was to improve production rates, part quality and employee work environment for the manufacturers of Progressing Cavity Pumps.
Prior to injection molding of the elastomeric material into the stator portion of the pump, the stator needs to be aggressively blasted and cleaned prior to application of the primers and adhesives. This ensures a high quality bond between the tube wall and the thermally injected material.
Improved Production Rates
Typically a 12" x 20' (30.5cm x 6m) tube could take a manufacturer over 2 hours to blast and clean the part. With the automated SAS ID Tube Blast System, this process can be completed in less than 20 minutes without the aid of a full time operator. The operator simply loads the part into the machine, enters the part dimensions on the Allen Bradley Panelview operator interface (optional) and selects Cycle Start. The ID Tube Blast System does the rest. The automatic door closes and blasting is completed automatically by the machine. The system blasts the tube wall on the entry stroke and blows the excess media out on the return stroke.
Improved Part Quality
With the introduction of automation into the customer's manufacturing process, the potential for human error and inconsistency is removed. In a manual environment, the operator is required to push a blast tube in and out of the tube many times hoping to get complete and uniform coverage. With the SAS ID Tube Blast System, the rotating part is blasted while turning at a consistent, predetermined speed and the blast wand enters and exits the part at a consistent, predetermined speed. This allows for 100% coverage, 100% of the time.
Improved Employee Work Environment
Prior to implementing the ID Tube Blast System in a customer's facility, an operator would typically load the part onto a cart and wheel it into a large, often unsealed walk-in blast cabinet. In this cabinet the operator would need to wear a blast helmet due to both unacceptable air quality and noise levels. The operator would spend the majority of the day in this environment. With the ID Tube Blast System, the operator never enters the cabinet, all blasting is done in a fully enclosed, operator free, sealed cabinet. No dust or media escape from the cabinet due to negative pressure within. The system also operates below 85dba.
As more companies rely on automation to keep their competitive edge, more applications will be discovered for equipment such as the SAS ID Tube Blast System.
For Information:
Surface Automation Systems
002 84th Street SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
Toll free US: 800-470-0035 ext 4
Tel. +1.616.827 1011
Fax +1.616-827 1015
E-mail: info@surfaceblasting.com