
VOL. 9 May ISSUE YEAR 2008

From Editor's Desk

in Vol. 9 - May Issue - Year 2008
A Chinese-Indian Century?

The center of the global economy is shifting more and more towards Asia. China and India constitute together one third of the world population and their enormous economical power will certainly dominate this century. China and India have always played an important role in the history of mankind. Until the beginning of the 18th century they belonged to the world's richest nations. However, with the onset of European colonialism until the mid 20th century, their economical means were suppressed. A few decades ago they reentered the arena of world politics.

Despite unresolved territorial disputes, mutual suspicions over each other’s military build-up and political intent, economic competition, and the continuously changing alliances and balance of power, China and India have enjoyed 10 years of mostly uninterrupted progress in their political, economic, and security relationship. President Hu Jintao’s November 2006 visit to India, the first such visit by a Chinese head of state in a decade, marked an important milestone in their bilateral relationship. During Hu’s visit, the two governments issued a joint statement highlighting a 10-point strategy to elevate their relationship and signed more than a dozen agreements to strengthen cooperation in trade, investment and energy as well as cultural and educational exchange. China is already the world's largest computer manufacturer and India the most important software developer. Tata Motors Ltd., India's largest truck maker, unveiled recently the world's cheapest car, pricing it at 100,000 rupees ($2,500) with plans to export while China's car manufacturers have already entered the western automotive markets. These are just a few examples from these booming economies.
However, it actually almost does not matter in what industry one is as the chances that the developments of China's and India's markets will influence your business in one or the other way are great. MFN, being a globally distributed magazine, naturally pays close attention to these activities. MFN has considerably increased the readership from China and India and we have started to host regular shot peening workshop in both countries (please see www.mfn.li/workshops).

Well, nobody knows for sure what the future will bring, but if this is to be the Chinese-Indian century, MFN will be part of it...

Best Redards
Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.), Chief Editor of MFN

Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.), Chief Editor of MFN
E-mail: andrzej@mfn.li