in Vol. 2 - November Issue - Year 2001
New Airblast flexible Peening Line Type CFX 600

View of CFX already delivered to Renault / Nissan Group
USF Wheelabrator Sisson Lehmann is part of the global USF Surface Preparation Group and is center of excellence in the design and manufacture of airblast control shot peening and precision abrasive for the Aerospace and Automotive Industries.
Beginning of year 2001 USF Wheelabrator Sisson Lehmann developed a new concept of programmable Air blast shot peening systems to enhance the fatigue performance of gearbox components used in the whole range of private and commercial vehicles.
Three of these new programmable shot peening systems CFX 600 are now in operation. The original flexible cell concept of the CFX range has been improved to get with its automatic set-up depending on part size and process recipe, a 'full flexibility performance" level in order to process any type of gearshafts with different parameters.
Various Option
The new airblast flexible peening machine type CFX 600 can handle a production rate of 400 parts per hour for components having the following maximum dimensions : diameter up to 120 mm - Height up to 600 mm, using PLC controlled axis systems ensuring the right positioning of 2x4 strategically positioned nozzles in the blasting cell.
The equipment can be provided with several options as:
- safety barriers for manual operation - full automatic loading and unloading conveyor systems
-·automatic loading and unloading manipulator with 'universal' gripper system, or robot
- automatic component identification and subsequent program selection
- noise enclosure, pneumatic sealed access door and double wall cabinet construction allows to reach < 80 dBA
Designed for 3 Shifts Operation
The machine is equipped with a wide access door at the rear to allow an easy access for maintenance operation. Peening is controlled and monitored by a programmable controller with all processing parameters instantly selectable, according to component type.
An in-cycle shot recovery, classification and recycling system ensures that shot size and shape is closely governed in order to maintain peening consistency. Reject shot is automatically replaced with virgin media.
The level of performance granted by the new CFX 600 Peening Line while working in 3 shifts operation, 7 days a week with a up-time of > 97 % combined with low maintenance requirements is the key factor of the new equipment together with its application flexibility.
A number of European car manufacturers who previously selected the successful CFX 200 for unitary peening of gear and crown wheel, are already showing great interest in this new flexible cell for shafts.
For Information:
USF Wheelabrator Sisson-Lehmann
USF Surface Preparation Group
24, rue Camille Didier -BP 39
Tel: +33.3.24 33 63 00
Fax: +33.3.24 37 39 37
E-mail: wslcom@aol.com