in Vol. 10 - January Issue - Year 2009
1st International Trade Fair for Corrosion Protection, Preservation and Packaging, 20 through 22 October 2009 in Stuttgart

COROSAVE – for the Prevention of Rust and Damage in the Billions Neuffen – Corrosion causes damage amounting to billions of Euros each year. All economic sectors and industries are affected. The prevention of rust offers significant potential for reducing costs, as well as increasing the operating safety of products, systems and components for numerous industries. This subject matter will be provided with its own information and communication platform at COROSAVE. The international trade fair for corrosion protection, preservation and packaging will take place for the first time concurrent to parts2clean at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre from the 20th through the 22nd of October, 2009.
Whether production systems, components, vehicles, aircraft, ships, industrial systems, building structures or process technology is involved – corrosion is omnipresent. Due to the fact that there are fundamentally no corrosion resistant materials, but rather various materials simply perform differently depending upon ambient conditions, corrosion protection plays a decisive role with regard to service life and operating safety. For example, nearly half of all damage to high-tech automobiles is the result of impaired electronics, and a large portion of this damage results from corrosion. Costs can thus be reduced by means of corrosion prevention. Trade fair promoters, fairXperts GmbH will focus on this issue at COROSAVE, which has previously been just a fringe topic at various other events. "Our goal is to create an international presentation and communication platform which offers comprehensive coverage for the areas of corrosion protection, preservation and packaging, and allows users from a broad range of industries to gather pertinent information", explains managing director Hartmut Herdin. COROSAVE will take place for the first time concurrent to parts2cleanerstmals, the leading international trade fair for cleaning within the production process, at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre from the 20th through the 22nd of October, 2009.
Complete Offerings for Efficient Corrosion Protection
The exhibition portfolio covered by the international trade fair includes media, processes and equipment for corrosion protection and preservation, corrosion protection packaging, services for protecting surfaces against corrosion, measuring, test and analysis systems, services from the fields of test technology such as salt spray testing and environmental tests, science and research, technical literature, training and vocational education, as well as trade associations. On the basis of these offerings, COROSAVE will address users from the automotive industry, commercial vehicle manufacturing, machinery and equipment manufacturing, metalworking, medical engineering and electronics, aviation and aerospace, energy and process technology, shipbuilding, the construction industry and other sectors as well.
Synergies Thanks to Concurrence with parts2clean
In production as well as in industrial parts cleaning, corrosion protection has become significantly more important in recent years. Because active surfaces are often exposed after degreasing, as well as during or after machining, which require temporary corrosion protection. Corrosion protection is also a decisive quality factor where warehousing and shipping are concerned. Appropriate preservation measures and packaging assure that components are made available for further processing with the required degree of cleanliness. As a result of these aspects, simultaneous promotion of COROSAVE and parts2clean will provide exhibitors with the opportunity of highly efficient trade fair participation, because a large portion of the visitors who attend parts2clean come from the metalworking industry sectors.
For information:
fairXperts GmbH
Hauptstr. 7, D-72639 Neuffen, Germany,
Tel +49.7025 8434-0
Fax +49.7025 8434-20