From Editor's Desk
in Vol. 10 - March Issue - Year 2009
MFN's New Partnership With Parts2Clean

Andrzej Wojtas
The Parts2Clean, which takes place in Stuttgart every year at the end of October, is Germany's leading exhibition in the field of surface cleaning. It presents the world’s most comprehensive offerings for cleaning within the production process. In 2008 it had 244 exhibitors from 13 countries and 4482 expert visitors from 37 countries.
For MFN, being on the one hand a globally-distributed magazine and on the other hand a provider of process training, strategic partnerships are a key factor to improve its networking and services. MFN and Parts2Clean have been supporting each other for two years already, however, an agreement was signed this January which provides that MFN will become "The Official Cooperation Partner" of the Parts2Clean. Working closely together with a recognized exhibition in a particular field allows for us to meet and exchange knowledge with the leading experts within the industry. This is essential for a magazine that wants to report about the newest developments and technologies. Therefore MFN is very glad for this opportunity. During the 3 days of the exhibition, MFN will have classrooms available and organize shot peening courses for levels 1-3 in German.
The goal of such an arrangement is to make the different events even more attractive. People will have the choice of combining the visit to an exhibition and a forum with a training course in a related field. Visitors to the Parts2Clean will receive a 10 % discount on all MFN courses. Vice versa, an enrolment to an MFN course during the exhibition includes a free entrance to the Parts2Clean. It is likely that such synergies will be highly welcomed by visitors. Should this format be successful, additional training will be offered on future occasions. Furthermore, MFN will report in detail about the Parts2Clean and will also be represented with a booth during the exhibition.
Since both MFN and Parts2Clean attract specialists and experts from around the globe, such cooperation is mutually-beneficial. We hope that this is the beginning of a partnership lasting for many years to come!
Best Regards
Andrzej Wojtas
Author: Andrzej Wojtas