in Vol. 10 - May Issue - Year 2009
MFN's Training Centre In Holland Completely Refurbished

For MFN, having its own training centres is of great value. The organization has 3 such facilities around the globe, in Germany, Holland and Brazil.
With such centres, a much better service can be provided to the course participants. It allows a flexibility in choosing a date for a training, and the instructors feel more comfortable teaching in a familiar surrounding. But most important, there are exhibits and equipment at hand which may not be available in a hotel or external place.
The newly refurbished training centre in Dordrecht, Holland, has now enough space for up to 22 participants. It will not only be used for larger workshops, but also for individual training requested by a single company. MFN has carried out shot peening and flap peening training in Holland for many years. This has been organized by the MFN Office in Holland, which is run by Marco Klijsen. He is one of the most experienced trainers among the team. The training centre in Dortrecht will offer level 1 to level 3 shot peening courses, flap peening and re-certification courses. The training centre is equipped with all the necessary tools and devices. All the courses are recognized by the FAA. Geographically this facility will serve the complete North European territory. Classes can be offered in English and Dutch language.
MFN North Europe Office in Holland
Contact: Marco Klijsen
Tel. +31.78.6511477, Fax 6511401
E-mail: marco@mfn.li