in Vol. 11 - January Issue - Year 2010
Successful MFN Shot Peening Workshop at the part2clean in Stuttgart

MFN booth at the parts2clean in Stuttgart, Germany

class room at the parts2clean press centre
In the last few years MFN started to look for strategic synergies when planning its education events. It only makes sense to try to cooperate with exhibitions and conferences with activities and interest in similar fields. In the past MFN enjoyed such synergies with the SF China EXPO, the "French National Conference on Shot Peening" organized by IITT-International and now with the parts2clean. A similar combining of events is planed with the PaintExpo.
While 2009 was a difficult year, especially for any provider of training and education, the MFN's shot peening workshop in Stuttgart can be called a real success. Participants enrolled for a total of 31 courses and many of them also took the optional examination for the FAA recognized certificate of achievement (Federal Aviation Administration). Three different levels of shot peening know-how were taught. From basic knowledge about intensity, coverage, masking, media, etc. up to laser peening, cavitation peening, audits and residual stress measurement, there was hardly any topic connected to peening that was not discussed during this event. As every year MFN added some new topics and updated its courses.
With Prof. Eckehard Mueller, Peter Beckmerhagen and Wolfgang Hennig, some of the most experienced MFN trainers guided through the courses. All of the three trainers also co-authored the book SHOT PEENING, the second edition of which was published in November 2009.
Besides the wide range of presentations, one advantage of such workshops is the possibility to exchange experiences and know-how with colleagues of other companies in the same field. During the main breaks, all MFN workshop participants had free access to the parts2clean. The parts2clean is Germany's leading exhibition in the field of surface cleaning. It presents the world’s most comprehensive offerings for cleaning within the production process. MFN is the official cooperation partner of the parts2clean and also displayed its services at a booth during the exhibition.
MFN runs such workshops on a global basis in 8 different languages (English, German, French, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese). The trainers are supported by a team of 48 members that come from a total of 19 countries (www.mfn.li/contact). Just over 900 people enrol on such training every year. The training is either offered during workshops or as on-site training. Around 25 workshops and over 40 on-site trainings take place every year. On top of that MFN has its own training centres in Germany, Holland and Brazil. The organization, which has its headquarters in Switzerland is supported by offices in 14 countries. MFN has built a uniquely global training organization in this industry. Besides offering FAA accepted courses, MFN is also a partner in education in Nadcap and the official collaboration partner of FEMS (Federation of European Material Societies).
For Information:
Metal Finishing News (MFN)
Tel. +41.44.8312644
E-mail: info@mfn.li