in Vol. 11 - January Issue - Year 2010
More Enhancements In Store For SUR/FIN 2010

Grand Rapids Skyline, USA
WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. 8 — When the curtain lifts on SUR/FIN 2010 in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 15–17, attendees looking for the "same old, same old" are going to be a bit disappointed. That’s because the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF) has made significant changes that promise to enhance the overall experience for exhibitors and attendees alike.
The most significant improvement comes via the new show schedule. In past years, conference events, special programs and social activities were held independently, in different locations. NASF has addressed this issue by carefully coordinating major events so that all participants involved can maximize their time during the show. Following are the particulars:
• Conference tracks will kick off Monday, June 14, running from 2 p.m.– 5p.m., with a conference reception taking place immediately afterwards.
• On Tuesday, June 15, conference tracks will run from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m., with a break between 11 a.m.– 2 p.m. Meanwhile, exhibits will open at 10 a.m. and run through 6 p.m.
• On Wednesday—the third day of the show—conference tracks will run from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m., with a three-hour break between 11 a.m.– 2 p.m. This is designed to encourage brisk traffic across the exhibit floor, which will be open initially from 10 a.m.– 2 p.m. and then again between 6 p.m.– 9 p.m.
• The popular "Industry Night" event (free of charge for 2010) will take place on the show floor as opposed to a remote location, thereby keeping attendees nestled in one location.
• Lastly, a special guest speaker (TBD) will deliver the keynote address between 5 p.m.– 6 p.m. on the show floor in front of a captive audience of attendees.
Others changes to the SUR/FIN 2010 activity schedule include plant tours of local companies such as the Grand Rapids offices of Alticor, which provides manufacturing and logistics services and business opportunities in more than 80 countries and territories worldwide. Alticor operates: Amway, one of the world’s leading direct selling enterprises; Access Business Group LLC, a manufacturer and distributor of quality products worldwide for Amway and contract customers; and Alticor Corporate Enterprises, a holding company for the corporation’s non-direct selling companies.
"SUR/FIN attendees can learn a lot from a tour like this, from an operations standpoint, although Alticor is not in the finishing business," said Eric Olander, chairman of the SUR/FIN 2010 Steering Committee. To his point, Amway and its affiliates help more than 3 million people own and operate direct-selling businesses. Alticor entities had combined sales of $8.2 billion in the markets it owns and manages for its fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2008, and it owns or manages manufacturing and distribution facilities across the globe.
The new components to SUR/FIN don’t stop there. Also on tap is a timely and informative presentation from executives of the United States Council for Automotive Research, or USCAR, an organization whose primary goal is to further strengthen the technology base of the U.S. auto industry through cooperative research and development. In that same vein, there will also be participation from the Center for Automotive Research, or CAR, a non-profit organization focused on a wide variety of important trends and changes related to the automobile industry and society at the international, federal, state and local levels.
Another noteworthy enhancement to SUR/FIN 2010 is the incorporation of a DOD (Department of Defense) component to the educational conference, spearheaded by Christian Richter, founder and president of The Policy Group—NASF’s government relations arm. The U.S. Military is increasingly seeking alternatives to chrome and cadmium in select applications, with an eye toward more environmentally friendly cleaning, finishing, and maintenance procedures
"It’s going to be a great conference," Richter said. "A little different, but great."
For Information:
Cheryl Clark, NASF
1155 15th Street, NW Suite 500 Washington
DC 20005, USA
Tel. +1.202.457.8404
Fax +1.202.530.0659
E-mail: cclark@nasf.org