in Vol. 11 - September Issue - Year 2010
Compact, Robotic Air-Blast System Facilitates Leaner Cell Manufacturing

Compact robotic system blasts parts with complex geometries to the most stringent process standards and validates the work
A compact, automated air-blast system combining pressure-blast productivity with the robotic precision demanded by producers of aerospace and medical equipment is now available from Empire Abrasive Equipment Company, a leader in air-blast technology.
Designed for lean cell manufacturing, these PRobot™ systems require only 46 square feet of floor space and under 8 feet of headroom. In addition, these fully integrated systems move easily from one cell to another via forklift or overhead crane. With only two connections — compressed air and electricity —the PRobot gets to work in a new cell. In addition, a user-friendly mobile interface enables programming of all operating parameters from a single station.
Roof mounting of a six-axis robot within the system’s 67-cubic-foot blast enclosure opens the work envelope to a full 360° and, in some cases, eliminates the need and cost for a seventh axis, such as a servo-powered turntable.
Empire welcomes prospective users of the PRobot to visit its newly expanded testing and demonstration laboratory in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, USA, where the company test blasts customer parts and shows a large selection of its equipment, including the PRobot, in action.
For Information:
Empire Abrasive Equipment Company
2101 West Cabot Boulevard
Langhorne, PA 19047, U.S.A.
Tel. +1.215.752.8800
Fax +1.215.752.9373
E-mail: airblast@empire-airblast.com