in Vol. 12 - May Issue - Year 2011
New Paint Shop for Truck Cabs in India

Environmentally friendly and energy efficient: the RoDip rotation process from D
Dürr is a mechanical and plant engineering group that holds leading positions in the world market in its areas of operation. It generates a good 80% of its sales in business with the automotive industry. It furthermore supplies the aircraft, machinery, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries with innovative production and environmental technologies. The Dürr Group operates in the market with three divisions. The Paint and Assembly Systems division supplies production and painting technology, especially for car bodies. Machinery and systems from the Measuring and Process Systems division are used in engine and transmission manufacturing and in final vehicle assembly, among other areas. The third division, Clean Technology Systems, is focused on processes to improve energy efficiency and on exhaust air purification. Dürr has 48 business locations in 21 countries worldwide. The Group achieved sales of € 1.26 billion with approximately 5,900 employees in 2010.
Bietigheim-Bissingen Germany, March 1st, 2011 – As general contractor, Dürr is building a paint shop for Eicher Trucks and Buses – a business area of VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd. (VECV) – at the Indian location of Pithampur. VECV is a joint venture of the Volvo Truck Group with the Indian commercial vehicle manufacturer, Eicher. A large part of the order is for the local subsidiary, Dürr India Private Limited, which was founded in 1997 in Chennai and is now able to draw on the efforts of around 180 employees.
The scope of services from Dürr includes the complete paint shop for light to heavy truck cabs. The RoDip E flexible rotational dip process is used for pre-treatment and electro dip coating. This process is quite persuasive with its fewer runs and sags, less carry-over and almost total rinsing out of dirt particles – even in hard-to-reach cavities. This leads to less reworking and a uniform coating. Optimized immersion and retrieval phases result in reduction of the dip tank-saving space, material and energy.
Two type EcoRP 6F painting robots provide fully automatic exterior painting. Interior painting takes place at manual workstations which are delivered by Dürr along with the entire paint supply system. The robots are visualized and monitored by Dürr’s EcoEMOS supervisory control technology as are the skid conveyors and the decentralized electrical engineering.
Eicher relies on Dürr’s proven technology, consequently reducing their unit costs. At the start, 12 units per hour are to be painted – the extremely space-saving layout allows for an easy plant expansion to about 18 units per hour at any time. This allows the customer to quickly and easily respond to changing market demands.
The plant will go into operation for Eicher in June 2012. This order benefits Dürr in terms of its international network and its local presence in India. 75% of the order’s volume will be taken care of by the local Dürr subsidiary.
Along with Dürr India, which is significantly involved in the construction of the paint shop for VECV, Dürr has a second powerful subsidiary in India with Schenck RoTec India. With approximately 200 employees, Schenck RoTec India, based in Noida near Delhi, specializes in balancing technology.
For Information:
Günter Buzer, Marketing PFS
Dürr Systems GmbH
Carl-Benz-Strasse 34
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany
Tel. +49.7142.78.2614
Fax +49.7142.78.1600
E-mail: guenter.buzer@durr.com