in Vol. 3 - August Issue - Year 2002
Shot Peening Operative Resource Team (SPORT)
The purpose of SPORT is to create a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences related to problems, inventions, and nomenclature in the field of shot peening. As a group of specialists the goal is to influence customers designs and specifications, address development concerns within the field, present an unified approach to suppliers and to coordinate development and testing in order to reduce costs.
The last SPORT meeting, hosted by Peder Wickström Ytstruktur of Arboga AB, was held on the 14th and 15th of May 2002. Guest speakers during the meeting were Professor Torsten Ericsson from the Linköpings University and Hartmut Wallburger of Volvo Powertrain Materials R&D. Both guest speakers talked about how to measure residual stresses and the fatigue life after shot peening in different materials.
The members of SPORT have experience and a good understanding of the shot peening process. The membership in the team is of no commercial interest.
The meetings will be held 2 times per year. Each meeting will be hosted by a SPORT member who will organize meeting location, activities, meals, and refreshments. A meeting coordinator will be appointed who will prepare and distribute an agenda prior to each meeting. The task of the meeting secretary will rotate among all members. The person in charge will record the minutes and distribute them to the members following the meeting. Guest speakers will be invited from suppliers, universities and institutes.
Areas of Interest
-Media (including cast steel, cut wire, glass bead, & ceramic shot)
-Test strip gauge
-Almen test strips
-Test strip holders
-Test strip simulation
-Residual stress measurement
-Future development
There is no membership fee for the group, however, each member will be responsible for his or her own costs for attending each meeting. In addition to these costs, fees for guest speakers will be shared by all members.
For Information:
Contact the chairman of SPORT
Mr. Per-Olof Karlsson
Volvo Aero Corporation
9634A, VAC
SE-461 81 Trollhättan, Sweden
Tel: +46.520.94789
Fax: +46.520.98522
E-mail: per-olof.karlsson@volvo.com