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Frohbergstr. 38 - 8620 Wetzikon, Switzerland
Tel : +41 44 831 2644
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Introduction of Markus Halder
Markus Halder was born in Ravensburg, Germany in 1977. He studied Mechanical Engineering and International Project Engineering at the University Of Applied Sciences Of Konstanz. During his studies, he gained some practical experience by leading shot peening experiments for gears and gear components. In the year 2002, Markus gained some experience in scientific research of materials: how they behave at room temperature, high pressure and low temperatures. Therefore, he designed a special Mössbauer set-up at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Since the year 2003, Markus has worked as a project engineer for Ammann AG in Taegerwilen, Switzerland. Ammann AG is a company with about 45 employees. He manages the fields of activity reengineering, optimization of component parts and shot peening. He works closely with customers and often has to start from scratch: to find the right material and manufacturing technologies to create a component that is improved and that fits the assembly perfectly. Therefore, the part has to be analysed and a test bench has to be set up according to the stress during operation. Normally it is necessary to show the effect of each variation and the result of the optimization with the help of S/N curves. And if possible, shot peening is applied and contributes to the result - as is so often the case with highly stressed components. In his advisory capacity, he can draw on his experience in various sectors of industry: track and point construction, commercial vehicles, machinery and system construction, as well as automation technology. If a customer wishes to implement his own internal manufacturing solution in the shot peening sector, then Markus can provide worldwide support in the development, process design and procurement of operating equipment, as well as being able to supervise projects right up to commissioning. Since the Second European Shot Peening Workshop in Duesseldorf in May 2005, Markus has been an active member of the MFN trainer team.