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Introduction of Mario Guagliano (Assoc. Prof.)
Mario Guagliano was born in 1963 in Pavia, a nice town in the north of Italy. He studied Mechanical Engineering Politecnico di Milano (Technical University of Milan) and he started his academic activity at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano as Research Assistant in 1991. Today he is Associate Professor in Machine Design at the Industrial Engineering School of Politecnico di Milano and his main research topics are the influence of surface treatments on fatigue strength of structural components, the application of experimental mechanics for the analysis of mixed-mode fracture mechanics problems and the development of advanced machine design methods. He is the responsible of the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory for residual stress measurements of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2004 he is in the Editorial Board of the journal Structural Integrity and Health Monitoring (Tech Science Press, Editor in-Chief Prof. M.H. Aliabadi, Imperial College, London). He was Guest Editor of the journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics for two special issues about fracture and damage mechanics in engineering applications. He is responsible of research grants funded by private companies or public organizations and published many papers on prestigious scientific journals about shot peening and the relations between the process parameters, the residual stresses and the surface hardening induced and about shot peening influence on the strength of structural components and machine parts. Mario is married and has three children. His hobbies are marathon running and free-diving.